Master of Science in Financial Analysis

随着新技术的发展,全球金融环境继续以前所未有的方式发展, traded instruments 和 market players. 在回应, 公司正在调整他们的商业战略,专业人士明白他们将需要新的技能,而不是他们过去的典型角色. 

Master of Science in Financial Analysis in Temple University’s Fox School of Business 强调前沿的学术思维和动手实际应用,为明天的金融专业人士准备21世纪的技能,这对他们的职业发展至关重要. 

Why choose the Financial Analysis MS at Fox?

科学, 技术, 工程和数学(STEM)指定的财务分析硕士是一个多方面和定量的项目,通过它,学生可以重新想象他们在福克斯的职业机会 forward-looking curriculum. You’ll form expertise in corporate finance, 投资, 和 investment banking financial modeling 和 decision-making. 扩展你的技能与综合数据科学的金融课程编程, time series analysis, data visualization 和 machine learning. 

Learning Outcomes

Deepen your underst和ing of industry trends, develop global market insights 和 enhance your professional skills, 包括 

  • equity research 和 value-based corporate management;
  • global markets 和 quantitative investment strategies;
  • leveraged buyouts 和 merger 和 acquisitions;
  • derivatives 和 alternative 投资; 
  • portfolio management 和 behavioral finance;
  • data-driven decision-making 和 machine learning; 和 
  • Bloomberg, Capital IQ, Factset, Tableau, Python, R 和 SQL. 

Transformational Experience

金融分析硕士课程以为期两周的金融学院开始,随后分为秋季一学期和第二学期以及春季一学期和第二学期. 以这种方式, 学生受益于更广泛的当代行业主题和独特的课程顺序. 

通过一系列杰出的演讲嘉宾,教育经验被放大了, visits to Greater Philadelphia region 和 Wall Street firms, social mixers, 并欢迎项目校友在课堂内外支持变革之旅. 


Become a CFA Charterholder 

特许金融分析师(CFA)称号受到全球金融业的重视. 的 Master of Science in Financial Analysis is a CFA University Affiliated Program accounting for the CFA Level I, II 和 III C和idate Body of Knowledge in its distinctive curriculum. 


对财务分析硕士课程感兴趣的学生不需要成为CFA. 作为我们创新课程设计的额外好处,学生可以选择同时攻读CFA. Learn more about the CFA program

Choose Our 10- or 22-month Program

通过完成全日制硕士学位,用新的专业知识加速你的职业生涯 10-month path. 一个全职的 22个月的路径 为学生提供更多的时间来探索专业经验或准备CFA考试.

Part-time students may complete the degree in 22 months. 

类 & 课程

An innovative, 30-credit curriculum structure featuring one- to 1.5学分的课程提供了在研究生学习期间参加多个CFA考试的机会,并且可以灵活地以适合您需要的格式完成金融分析硕士课程.

All courses take place in person on Temple's Main Campus.


  • Behavioral Finance,
  • Corporate Value Management,
  • Financial Accounting,
  • Global Economy,
  • Investment Management,
  • Quantitative Portfolios
  • Risk Measurement.

Learn more about the Financial Analysis MS required courses.


Admission requirements 包括一学期的统计学、会计学、微观和宏观经济学课程.

Picture of 邓特命全权大使


Senior Relationship Manager, S&P Global Market Intelligence

“如果没有福克斯学校,我永远不会进入我现在工作的公司. 所学到的金融知识让我更加自信和专业. 这也使我的经理有信心扩大我的职责范围."

Take the Next Step in Your Career

威尼斯赌场网站是一所一流的研究型大学,拥有世界一流的学者和实践经验,将挑战和激励你. 费城为你的职业生涯提供了一个良好的开端,并对你的未来产生影响. 

Connect with the Master of Science in Financial Analysis

学费 & 费用

In keeping with Temple’s commitment to access 和 affordability, 该理学硕士课程提供具有竞争力的学费水平,并提供多种经济支持机会.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, 包括 program degree level (undergraduate or graduate), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, 和更多的. 的se tuition costs apply to the 2024–2025 academic year.

Pennsylvania resident: $1,165.00 per credit
州外: $1,165.00 per credit

You can view the full Cost of Attendance breakdown on the Student Financial Services website.

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