
Exp和 on your musical achievements or gain advanced skills to teach in the performing arts with a 音乐表演硕士 威尼斯赌场网站博耶音乐舞蹈学院. The program offers an in-depth study of the history 和 theory of music 和 performance across 17 specialized concentrations.

在这个多年学位的过程中, 可提供全职或兼职工作, you’ll develop the expertise to execute or teach effective musical performance as a soloist or part of an ensemble. 这个项目的大部分学习都是实践性的, 学生们沉浸在大量的合奏和管弦乐曲目中.

Students in this degree program receive individual instruction from Boyer’s award-winning 教师,由委员会成员组成 费城交响乐团 以及主要的大都会表演组织, as well as artists who have performed as soloists or with ensembles from the around the world. 教职员工已经完成了

通过这种联系, there are opportunities for students to learn directly from top international artists in real-world environments.

学费 & 费用

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, this Master of Music offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

学费 rates are set annually by the university 和 are affected by multiple factors, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, 和更多的. 这些学费适用于2024-2025学年.

宾夕法尼亚州居民: $1,239.每学分00美元
州外: $1,652.每学分00美元

你可以看到完整的 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.

学生俱乐部 & 组织


You can focus on 表演 or you can take one of the following concentrations.

  • 巴松管

    Specialize in the study of the bassoon 和 take courses that support advanced musical 和 academic development. Students study privately with professional artist-teachers 和 enjoy opportunities for performance in numerous large 和 chamber music ensembles.

  • 大提琴

    Specialize in the study of the cello 和 take courses outside your area that support advanced musical 和 academic development. Students study privately with professional artist-teachers 和 enjoy opportunities for performance in numerous large 和 chamber music ensembles.

  • 单簧管

    Specialize in the study of the clarinet 和 take courses outside your area that support advanced musical 和 academic development. Students study privately with professional artist-teachers 和 enjoy opportunities for performance in numerous large 和 chamber music ensembles.

  • 古典吉他

    Specialize in the study of the cello 和 take courses outside your area that support advanced musical 和 academic development. Students study privately with professional artist-teachers 和 enjoy opportunities for performance in numerous large 和 chamber music ensembles.

  • 低音提琴

    Specialize in the study of the double bass 和 take courses outside your area that support advanced musical 和 academic development. Students study privately with professional artist-teachers 和 enjoy opportunities for performance in numerous large 和 chamber music ensembles.

  • 长笛

    Specialize in the study of the flute 和 take courses outside your area that support advanced musical 和 academic development. Students study privately with professional artist-teachers 和 enjoy opportunities for performance in numerous large 和 chamber music ensembles.

  • 法国号

    Specialize in the study of the french horn 和 take courses outside your area that support advanced musical 和 academic development. Students study privately with professional artist-teachers 和 enjoy opportunities for performance in numerous large 和 chamber music ensembles.

  • 竖琴

    Specialize in the study of the harp 和 take courses outside your area that support advanced musical 和 academic development. Students study privately with professional artist-teachers 和 enjoy opportunities for performance in numerous large 和 chamber music ensembles.

  • 羽管键琴

    Specialize in the study of the harpsichord 和 take courses outside your area that support advanced musical 和 academic development. Students study privately with professional artist-teachers 和 enjoy opportunities for performance in numerous large 和 chamber music ensembles.

  • 双簧管

    Specialize in the study of the oboe 和 take courses outside your area that support advanced musical 和 academic development. Students study privately with professional artist-teachers 和 enjoy opportunities for performance in numerous large 和 chamber music ensembles.

  • 打击乐器

    Receive the finest instrumental training in the context of a comprehensive university: Specialize in the study of percussion 和 take other courses that support advanced musical 和 academic development. 在这个节目中, students study privately with professional artist-teachers 和 enjoy opportunities for performance in large 和 chamber music ensembles.

  • 钢琴

    Specialize in the study of piano 和 take other courses that support advanced musical 和 academic development. 在这个节目中, students study privately with professional artist-teachers 和 enjoy opportunities for performance in solo recitals, 以及在大型和室内乐合奏.

  • 萨克斯风

    Specialize in the study of the saxophone 和 take courses outside your area that support advanced musical 和 academic development. Students study privately with professional artist-teachers 和 enjoy opportunities for performance in numerous large 和 chamber music ensembles.

  • 长号

    Specialize in the study of the trombone 和 take courses outside your area that support advanced musical 和 academic development. Students study privately with professional artist-teachers 和 enjoy opportunities for performance in numerous large 和 chamber music ensembles.

  • 小号

    Specialize in the study of the trumpet 和 take courses outside your area that support advanced musical 和 academic development. Students study privately with professional artist-teachers 和 enjoy opportunities for performance in numerous large 和 chamber music ensembles.

  • 大号

    Specialize in the study of the tuba 和 take courses outside your area that support advanced musical 和 academic development. Students study privately with professional artist-teachers 和 enjoy opportunities for performance in numerous large 和 chamber music ensembles.

  • 中提琴

    Specialize in the study of the viola 和 take courses outside your area that support advanced musical 和 academic development. Students study privately with professional artist-teachers 和 enjoy opportunities for performance in numerous large 和 chamber music ensembles.

  • 小提琴

    Specialize in the study of the violin 和 take courses outside your area that support advanced musical 和 academic development. Students study privately with professional artist-teachers 和 enjoy opportunities for performance in numerous large 和 chamber music ensembles.

  • 的声音

    Specialize in the study of vocal performance 和 take courses outside your area that support advanced musical 和 academic development. Students study privately with professional artist-teachers 和 enjoy opportunities for performance in numerous large 和 chamber music ensembles.
